Twitter for Business 101 (Part 4 of 6)

In this clip Laura moves on to more advanced topics for businesses getting started on Twitter, including how to gather audience, research markets, create compelling content and measure success.

Laura begins by offering basic, quick options for businesses, even those with no substantial customer presence on Twitter:  get a Twitter handle with a word that best represents your company (on Google or any search engine), and use a widget to post updates from your business homepage to Twitter.

She strongly emphasizes that the number of followers doesn’t matter – if a product/service/offer is good, people will pass it along, and it will then reach beyond your ‘follower’ audience.  Success on Twitter is measured more by the value of your followers then their actual numbers.

Laura offers resources to learn more about Twitter for business, and encourages the use of Twitter tools to make the experience less confusing and to keep a social media strategy focused toward your business objectives.

This video was filmed at TWTRCON NY on June 14, 2010.