Business Relationship Basics For Freelance Web Developers

Business Relationship Basics For Freelance Web Developers

It can be hard for freelance web developers to acquire new clients. To scale such a business, you have to be able to retain your clients. However, your clients will only come back if you’ve done enough to build a relationship with them. The sad fact is that many freelance web developers do not do enough to build and maintain a relationship with their clients. Here are some of the most important business relationship basics that freelancers can use to maintain strong client relationships that make clients want to come back.

Follow Through on Promises and Meet Deadlines

This should be obvious, but clients want to work with a freelancer that is dependable. They want to work with somebody that they can count on because late work can negatively impact their business calendar and marketing plans. If you want your clients to come back, you should always make sure that you follow through on your promises and meet the set deadlines. Part of this is in managing your time properly, and the other part is in making sure that you don’t overextend yourself with deadlines that are unreasonable.

Develop More Than One Skill/Service

If you’re a web developer that only offers one type of service, you’re limiting your earning potential and leaving space for the client to look elsewhere. You want to develop other skills and offer additional core services that complement your main service. For example, you can offer responsive design services, UI/UX design services, and SEO just to name a few. Clients would rather deal with one trusted professional that can handle many of their needs than dealing with multiple freelancers. By offering more than one service, you also close off the possibility of your client going to another freelancer for a different service and ending up stick to that freelancer for your main service.

Offer Free Service Upgrades

A little goes a long way when dealing with clients. By offering them free services that compliment your main service, you’re showing clients that you care about them. There is a wide range of services that you can package together from setting up WordPress hosting, to offering free customized content, to social media account optimization. The idea here is to add in a service that is valuable to your client, but doesn’t require much to fulfill. For example, it doesn’t take much to help your clients set up WordPress hosting and install all the necessary theme and plugins for them.

Share Your Expertise

In general, people respond better to education than a sales presentation. If you want to really give your clients a reason to continue their relationship with you, then share your expertise with them. Let them know about what’s going on in the industry, the best practices that are followed, what approach the client should use for their website, etc. Many clients will be impressed and grateful for the knowledge you’ve shared with them. They’ll get the idea that you are up-to-date in the industry and an authority on your subject matter.

Focus on Customizing Service to Their Needs

Many professionals use shortcuts like templates, themes and stock photos to save time on client projects. While this is beneficial to the designer or developers, some clients can tell that you’ve taken shortcuts. If you want to attract higher paying clients and want to establish a long term relationship with them, customize the projects to their individual needs. Put in the extra time to make their web project unique. Anticipate their needs and come up with unexpected solutions to their problems.

Follow Up Regularly

Just because you’re not working with a client in the present doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep in touch with them. If you want to stay on top of their minds, you have to follow up with them on a regular basis. Get your clients to follow you on social media so that they’re always updated. Interact with them on social to build a stronger relationship and send them emails filled with valuable content. When the time comes to start a new project, you’ll be the go to person on their mind.

Be Personal, But Respect Boundaries

Many freelance web developers are afraid of being too personal. Whenever you’re in touch with your clients, you want to be personable, but professional. Don’t be afraid to show your personality and have a regular conversation with them. Some professionals will go the extra mile and send their clients gifts on their birthdays, holidays or anniversaries. Actions like these add another layer that can really solidify the relationship. Obviously, you want to make sure you respect boundaries. Respect their time and treat clients with respect. They’re not your friends and usually are business focused. Also, avoid conversation topics like religion and politics that can sour the relationship.

Those are just some of the business relationship basics that freelance web developers need to become familiar with. Most of these tips are fairly simple and common sense, but they really deliver when it comes to establishing and maintaining a relationship with your clients. With the amount of competition out there, you really need to focus on relationships if you care about the success of your business.