Bill Brister

Bill Brister helps companies apply social media tools to build their brand and increase awareness of their products and services. Bill’s campaigns use social media to reach new customers and increase loyalty by creating ongoing conversations. In an era where people trust the recommendation of a complete stranger more than a paid advertisement; social media isn’t just inexpensive, it’s powerful. Bill has 15 years of experience with technical companies, marketing and sales.

Bill has helped create comprehensive social media strategies used to define programs that use social media marketing techniques to increase visibility, membership and traffic across numerous brands as well as implementation and social media program management.

Bill has the ability to “adapt and overcome” which allows him the flexibility to experiment with new and alternative ways to leverage social media activities.  His open and honest communication helps educate the management team and others across the company on incorporating relevant social media techniques into the corporate culture and into all of the company’s products and services.

Bill blogs at