Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring The Realtime Report or Realtime NY 11, please contact Anne Weiskopf, VP Sponsor Programs, via email or tweet @anneweiskopf.

Realtime NY 11 Sponsorships

The Realtime Conference is a unique opportunity to connect with social media business decision makers. We have sponsorship levels for companies of all sizes, starting at only $895 for our Total Bootstrap Edition sponsorship for startups, and ranging to a fully customized Title Sponsorship and branding opportunities, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Sponsorships of The Realtime Report

Sponsorships on The Realtime Report web site and email newsletter are currently available only to sponsors of the Realtime NY 11 conference.  We do plan to introduce dedicated sponsor programs for the web site and newsletter in June, so please do let us know if you’re interested.