The Realtime Advisory Board
We are grateful to the members of our Advisory Board, who provide guidance and input as we develop our strategies and conference programs.
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Realtime Influencers
We would also like to acknowledge members of the Realtime community who have freely offered their time, ideas, support and expertise. These Influencers help keep The Realtime Report (formerly TWTRCON)–fresh, grounded and relevant.
- Heather A. Colby, @heathercolby, President, Marketing Strategist, Colby Strategic Marketing
- Kelly Dingee, @sourcerkelly, Strategic Recruiting Manager, Staffing Advisors, Guest Blogger at Fistful of Talent
- Angela Dunn, @blogbrevity, Idea Designer and Digital Consultant, Blogbrevity
- Bob Fine, @bobfine, Founder, Cool Blue Company, LLC and Editor, The Best of
- Vicky Harres, @victoriaharres, Director, Audience Development, PR Newswire
- Shrinath Navghane, @mrshri, Founder, SocialMedia2Go
- Carissa O’Brien, @CarissaO, CEO, Red Box Communications
- Niketa Patel, @niketa, Social Media Producer, ABC News
- Mike Schneider, @schneidermike, Digital, Allen Gerritsen
- Joe Zuccaro, @joezuc, Founder, B2B Twitterer of the Year Awards, @b2btoty
The Realtime Community
We are inspired every day by our friends and followers, and by the people who participate in our events. Many of you are risk-takers and innovators: you pioneer change and new business models inside organizations, or you are managing your own small business ventures or start-ups. Thank you for making this such an exciting time.
We love feedback, ideas and suggestions. Feel free to tweet us at @RealtimeReport, or reach out via email:
- Tonia Ries, Founder, @tonia_ries,
- Anne Weiskopf, Business Development, @anneweiskopf,
- John Eckhouse, Programming, @eckhouse,
- Marissa McNaughton, Blogger and Community Manager, @marissamcn,