Kory Kredit just interviewed Guy Kawasaki for Media Post. If you’re a publisher, and you’re still wondering why you should care about Twitter, read this:
Kory: How do you think publishers/news outlets should be using [Twitter] for themselves?
Guy: At the very least they should be auto-tweeting their news feeds. So one [tactic] is pushing their own stuff out, and the other [tactic] is to monitor it to keep up with current events. I also think that you can foster loyalty. If I were a newspaper and [I’d] just published my quarterly venture capital roundup, I would be searching for the string ‘venture capital.’ Every time I found that string, I would send that person a [tweet] that said, ‘my newspaper just published our Q1 venture capital roundup and you would probably be interested in it because I see you [tweeting] about venture capital.’ Who is going to resist clicking on that link? The person that gets that message is going to be flattered that my newspaper even found him, is going click on it, read the report and retweet it. And this can all be accomplished with one $10/hour intern. We’re not talking about a $5 million acquisition.
Every publisher, everywhere, should be using Twitter to promote their content, gather leads and reach new readers.
To read the full interview, click here. And you can see Guy Kawasaki in person this June at the Ypulse Youth Marketing Mashup.