Most Fortune 100 companies not using Twitter effectively

A Weber Shandwick study concludes that Fortune 100 companies need a Twittervention. Executed
successfully, Twitter can help companies engage with customers, build new relationships and create
a new pool of advocates talking positively about their brands.
The Weber Shandwick study showed that 73 percent of Fortune 100 companies registered a total
of 540 Twitter accounts. However, about three-quarters (76 percent) of those accounts did not post
tweets very often, and more than half (52 percent) were not actively engaged. (This was measured
by engagement metrics such as numbers of links, hashtags, references and retweets.)
In addition, 50 percent of the Fortune 100 accounts had fewer than 500 followers, a small number
in relation to the size and reach of a major corporation. Another 15 percent were inactive; of those,
11 percent were merely placeholder accounts — unused accounts to protect corporate names
against so-called brand-jacking on Twitter — and 4 percent were abandoned after being used for

A Weber Shandwick study concludes that Fortune 100 companies need a “Twittervention.”  73% of Fortune 100 companies registered a total of 540 Twitter accounts. However, about three-quarters (76%) of those accounts did not post tweets very often, and more than half (52%) were not actively engaged. In addition, 50% of the Fortune 100 accounts had fewer than 500 followers, a small number in relation to the size and reach of a major corporation. Another 15% were inactive. Download the PDF of the complete study here.