Research by Royal Pingdom confirms the trend. It shows that most of the networks that could be considered to be ’social’ in the real sense of the word – Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Bebo have a user base that’s 50%+ female. Networks that are arguably much more functional in the sense that you save or tag articles – Reddit and Digg by comparison have more of a male bias.
The chart below shows more detail. All in all, 53% of users across the 19 sites were female and 47% were male.
Research by Royal Pingdom confirms that most of the networks that could be considered to be ’social’ in the real sense of the word – Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Bebo – have a user base that’s 50%+ female. Networks that are arguably much more functional in the sense that you save or tag articles – Reddit and Digg by comparison have more of a male bias. All in all, 53% of users across the 19 sites were female and 47% were male. Details and chart at socialmediatoday.