Women Have More Klout on Twitter (But Among Top Influencers, Men Are More Influential)

Working with Klout and PeopleBrowsr, Brian Solis has analyzed Twitter influence by gender.

The top 50,000 most influential people on Twitter closely matched the gender spread of the global Internet population as measured by comScore:  52% males and 48% females, compared to a global 18+ internet population of 54% male and 46% female.  Among these top influencers, males had a slightly higher Klout score of 56, compared to 54 for female top influencers.

By contrast, among the Twitter population as a whole (based on an analysis of a random sample of 100,000 Twitter users), 54% were female and 46% male.   Among this sample, the average Klout Scores weighed in favor of women: 34 compared to 31 for men.

Read all the details & see cool infographics at Brian Solis.com.