A Twitter 101 Checklist for You — and for Your Business

A few weeks ago, the Managing Automation management and editorial team asked us to help them brush up on their Twitter skills.  We put together a slide deck to help us walk them through the basics (some of the participants were complete newbies), and created an analysis of how their brand was doing on Twitter when compared to others in their industry.  We received terrific feedback on the session; everyone told us they learned a lot– and that it was very practical.

In fact, their production director, Reggie Rios (@riosreggie), emailed me a few days ago to say that they especially like the checklists we had at the end of the deck.  As Reggie said, “If you follow it you see results.”

We’ve posted the checklists up on our brand new Slideshare account* and are sharing them here.  Feel free to use them, suggest improvements, and share them with any Twitter newbies in your life!

Twitter 101: Two Checklists

[iframe src=”http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/7566109″ width=”595″ height=”497″/]

*No, Slideshare doesn’t let you change your user name, so we had to create a new account as part of our rebranding… so while you’re add it, please follow our new Slideshare account, too!