57% of Executive App Users Have Shopping Apps On Their Tablets

Global executives in senior level positions use their mobiles and tablets most often to get the news, the weather and for navigation (maps/location), according to a new poll from communications company Doremus and the Financial Times, which surveyed over 600 global executives from a mix of industries and company sizes.

Seventy percent of tablet owners said they “use many apps” on their tablets.  Activities differed by age, with many respondents under the age of 45 spend more time playing games, watching videos/movies and shopping than those over 55. Respondents over the age of 55 more commonly use their tablets for news, reference and weather. “Visiting websites” is the only tablet activity that both groups participate in to the same degree.    The survey also found that North Americans are the heaviest users of mobile apps while respondents in Asia use them least.

Respondents were far more likely to have shopping apps installed on their tablets (57%) than on their mobile phones (27%).  (These findings echo a survey released last year, showing that tablet owners use their device for e-commerce far more than smartphone users do.)  Other applications much more likely to be installed on tablets:  books (86% tablets / 37% phones), entertainment (67% tablets / 40% phones), travel (64% tablets / 47% phones), and reference (61% tablets / 37% phones).

According to Daniel Rothman, Director of Research in the Americas for the Financial Times, “Global business executives are firmly engaged in information consumption in real time, and since these devices help them stay informed while on the go, it is not surprising that their use continues to grow. These findings are also consistent with the Financial Times’ experience, where we’ve seen a sharp rise of mobile users (52 percent on smart phones and 49 percent on tablets) over the last six months.”

How is the rise of tablets changing your mobile marketing strategies?