In July 2012, 85% of Americans with online access watched online videos, according to new research from comScore. The U.S. online population of 184 million watched a total of 36.9 billion online content videos. That’s the equivalent of every single person on Earth watching at least five videos each.
Google (with online video superstar YouTube) is the most popular venue for online video views, with Facebook finally reclaiming the #2 spot (CNET).
How did video ads fare? According to comScore, over 20% of all videos viewed online in July were ads, totaling 9.6 million video ads for the U.S. population (led by Google and runner-up Hulu.) Over half of the U.S. population (52%) saw video ads an average of 61 times during the month.
Video ads accounted for 1.6% of all minutes spent viewing videos online. The duration of the average online content video was 6.7 minutes, while the average online video ad was 0.4 minutes.
Is your company advertising via online video?