Social Networking Stats: Mobile Accounts for 23% of Facebook Ad Revenue, #RLTM Scoreboard

The #RLTM Scoreboard:  Social Networking Stats for the Week

Facebook: 1 billion active users via Facebook
Twitter: over 500 million users via Twopcharts
Qzone: 599 million monthly active users via TechCrunch
Sina Weibo: over 400 million users via Yahoo
Renren: over 170 million users via iResearch iUser Tracker
VK: over 190 million users via VK
LinkedIn: 200 million active users via LinkedIn
Google Plus: 135 million monthly active users via Google
Tumblr: 92 million blogs via Tumblr
Instagram: 100 million users via TechCrunch
Tagged: 20 million unique monthly users via Tagged
Foursquare: nearly 30 million users via Adweek
Pinterest: over 25 million users via AdWeek
Posterous: 15 million monthly users via Posterous
Reddit: 56 million monthly unique visitors via Reddit

Please email if you have additional updates, or a social network that you feel should be on the list.

Mobile Ads Account for 23% of All Facebook Ad Revenue in Q4 

Mobile Ads Account for 23% of Facebook Total Ad RevenueFacebook reported its Q4 results for 2012 on Wednesday, boasting a 40% fourth-quarter revenue jump.  The social networking giant also saw its strongest quarterly advertising growth for all of 2012, most likely a result of increased mobile business and new advertising tools to help target consumers effectively.

Mobile advertising delivered the biggest results: Facebook’s overall ad revenue rose 41% (year-over-year) in Q4, with mobile ads making up nearly one-quarter (23%) of the total.  This is a marked change from the prior quarter, when mobile ads only accounted for 14% of total advertising revenue.

The Wall Street Journal quotes Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s take on the results: “Today there is no argument Facebook is a mobile company.”  According to WSJ, Facebook has “been on a mad dash to improve its presence on mobile” since the social network’s initial public offering in May 2012.  As of late December 2012, Facebook saw 57% growth year-over-year on mobile, with 680 million users actively accessing the social app on smartphones every month.