Nearly Half of Instagram’s App Users Come From Android

Instagram post from Android user @waillun
Instagram post from Android user @waillun

Instagram became available on Android devices just one year ago; in less than a day, over one million people had downloaded the Android app.  Today, nearly half of all Instagram users access the photo-sharing app via Android, according to an Instagram blog post.

Instagram engineer Philip McAllister writes: “Instagram for Android has helped make this community more global than ever. Major events such as Brazil’s Círio de Nazaré festival, the 85th birthday of Thailand’s King Bhumibol, and a streak of severe thunderstorms throughout Malaysia have been captured by Android Instagrammers and shared to global audiences like never before.”

“So to all of our Instagrammers on Android, thank you for helping to make this community amazing. We’re glad you’re here.”

Are you surprised that so many Instagram users come from Android?  Do you think eventually there will be more Android than iOS users on Instagram?