Social Networking Stats: Facebook CTR Up 275%, #RLTM Scoreboard

The #RLTM Scoreboard: Social Networking Stats for the Week

Facebook: 1.15 billion monthly active users via Facebook
YouTube over 1 billion monthly unique users via YouTube
Twitter: over 218 million monthly active users via Twitter
Qzone: 599 million monthly active users via TechCrunch
Sina Weibo: over 500 million users via The Next Web
Renren: over 170 million users via iResearch iUser Tracker
VK: over 200 million registered users via VK
LinkedIn: 238 million active users via LinkedIn
Google Plus: 343 million monthly active users via GlobalWebIndex
Tumblr: 144 million blogs via Tumblr
Instagram: 150 million users via Instagram
Vine: 40 million registered users via Vine
Tagged: 20 million unique monthly users via Tagged
Foursquare: 40 million users via CNET
Pinterest: 70 million users via The Next Web
Reddit: 81 million monthly unique visitors via Reddit
WhatsApp: 200 million monthly active users via TechCrunch

Please email if you have additional updates, or a social network that you feel should be on the list.

Social ROI Delivers: Facebook CTR Up 275% [Study]

Facebook CTR [Adobe research]New research from Adobe delivers big news for social ROI.  For starters, Facebook’s ad click-through rate has risen 275%. The study examines 130 billion Facebook ads, one billion Facebook posts, 2.3 billion Facebook comments, shares, and likes, and more than 400 million individual unique visitors to social net­works includ­ing Twit­ter, Pin­ter­est and Tum­blr.

Here are the highlights from Adobe’s Q3 2013 Social Intelligence report:

  • cost-per-click is down 40% on Facebook, while CTR rose 275%, leading to an increase in ROI of 58%
  • revenue per visitor on Twitter is up 300% over last year
  • Twitter referrals to retail sites rose 258%; the same figure for Pinterest was up 84%
  • ‘likes’ produce 87% of all engagement on Facebook
  • brand posts with images produce 600% higher engagement rates than posts with just text
  • the amount of con­tent pub­lished via brand pages jumped up 79% year-over-year; engage­ment with that con­tent rose 115%

What do you think of these results?  Is your brand investing more in social?