Check out this week’s summary of all the latest social media news, including changes and new features for Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest and Snapchat:

Facebook, Twitter, Google
- Facebook, Twitter, Google just say no to marijuana ads – even though marijuana is now legal in Colorado and Washington, ads for it are not allowed on Facebook, Twitter and Google (Digital Trends)
- Facebook starts showing fewer text status updates from pages, more from friends – Facebook just announced a tweak to the newsfeed algorithm; it will serve less text-based updates from Pages, but more text-based updates from users (TechCrunch)
- Facebook tests mobile-ad network – Facebook is now testing out a new mobile ad network that will connect advertisers with publishers of other mobile apps, extending Facebook’s reach (The Wall Street Journal)
- Twitter launches card analytics to let publishers monitor impressions, clicks and more – Twitter’s new analytics for Twitter cards shows impressions, URL clicks, app installs of a publisher’s tweets and mentions by other users, and easy ways to measure favorites, retweets, and follows (TechCrunch)
- Watch out Tumblr, Pinterest now supports GIFs – last week Pinterest rolled out support for GIFs to all users on the web; mobile support expected “soon” (TechCrunch)
- Snapchat adds rudimentary — and easily bypassed — security feature – the negative publicity around Snapchat’s security continues; a new small layer of security to prevent large numbers of spammers from signing onto the service has already failed (re\code)
Any social media updates we missed? Let us know in the comments below.