The #RLTM Scoreboard: Social Networking Stats for the Week
Facebook: | 1.23 billion monthly active users | via Facebook |
YouTube | over 1 billion monthly unique users | via YouTube |
Twitter: | 255 million monthly active users | via VentureBeat |
Qzone: | 599 million monthly active users | via TechCrunch |
Sina Weibo: | over 500 million users | via The Next Web |
Renren: | over 170 million users | via iResearch iUser Tracker |
VK: | over 230 million registered accounts | via VK |
LinkedIn: | 300 million members | via LinkedIn |
Google Plus: | 343 million monthly active users | via GlobalWebIndex |
Tumblr: | 195 million blogs | via Tumblr |
Instagram: | 200 million monthly active users | via Instagram |
Vine: | 40 million registered users | via Vine |
Tagged: | 11 million unique monthly users | via Tagged |
Foursquare: | 50 million users | via Foursquare |
Pinterest: | 70 million users | via The Next Web |
Reddit: | 114 million monthly unique visitors | via Reddit |
WhatsApp: | 500 million users | via WhatsApp |
Messenger: | 200 million users | via re/code |
SnapChat: | ???? | via TechCrunch |
Please email if you have additional updates, or a social network that you feel should be on the list.
Global Ad Spending on Facebook Increases Over 50%
Facebook advertising is flourishing according to new data from Kenshoo; quarterly spend on Facebook advertising increased 51% year-over-year in the second quarter of 2014. Spending on search engine advertising also saw an increase of 25% year-over-year, with click-through rates at “an all-time high.”
The price for social ads on Facebook has risen 54% over the last year; the price of cost-per click search ads rose 8% in that time.
The results are presented via an infographic from Kenshoo, based on 400 billion impressions, 4.5 billion clicks and €1.85 billion in advertiser spend through the Kenshoo platform.