6 Ways Your Company Can Cut Costs by Going Green

6 Ways Your Company Can Cut Costs by Going Green
By Jessica Oaks

Going green is a smart move in a world where customers want proof that their choices are eco-friendly, but greening a business can be expensive. Powering an office with alternative energy is often the pricier option and recycled (as in paper and plastic) doesn’t always equal budget friendly. That said, businesses are sometimes more capable than individuals of making a positive impact on the environment – and that includes smaller and mid-size companies – so many firms make the choice to go green even in the face of higher costs.

However, with a thoughtful approach, going green can actually be a money saver. That’s good news for small businesses and sole proprietors who want to do their part to keep the Earth healthy without going into the red. Here are six ways that recycling and other eco initiatives like green hosting can save a firm money and boost its reputation with customers who love seeing green.

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  1. Get A Business Energy Audit

Reach out to your property management company to schedule a building-wide audit. Implementing energy saving recommendations can lower your heating and cooling costs, save money on electricity and help you impress potential clients. Searching for “free energy audit” plus your state can help you find no-cost options.

  1. Embrace BYOD

The ‘bring your own device’ movement lets workers bring their own laptops and tablets from home, meaning there are fewer power-hungry desktops in the workplace and less consumption of new pollution-heavy electronics. BYOD is not only greener and less expensive, but tech savvy, too. Employees upgrade more often than companies, so you’re more likely to see workers using high quality devices like tablets. These computing devices are perfect for incorporating in the workplace because many of them feature some of Snapdragon’s best mobile processors. These chipsets enable employees to have smooth connectivity, high quality displays and built-in security on their tablets. It’s a win-win all around.

  1. Go Paper Free

While some businesses need to print paper invoices or are legally required to store printed documents, many are still firing up the printer out of habit. Going paper free (and replacing paper with a document management system) not only means less waste, but also fewer dollars spent on office supplies.

  1. Buy Secondhand or Refurbished

It takes 1.8 tons of raw materials and 29 gallons of fossil fuels to manufacture one desktop computer. Choosing high quality remanufactured or used electronics and office supplies takes your business out of multiple dirty manufacturing streams – and tends to be less expensive, too.

  1. Make The LED Switch

These energy-efficient, long-lasting bulbs are now only slightly more expensive than mercury-laden CFLs. Install LEDs and your energy bills may drop dramatically if yours is a 24/7 workspace. Some companies are even implementing their own on-site CFL recycling programs.

  1. Allow Telecommuting

With flex time you can take polluting commuter cars off the road. With an across-the-board remote office policy you’re making an even bigger positive impact on pollution levels.

Ultimately, companies don’t have to prioritize saving money over saving the planet. While there are plenty of expensive ways to prove to customers that a firm is doing its part to keep the Earth clean, there are just as many budget conscious ways to make a business cleaner and greener.

Jessica Oaks is a freelance journalist who loves to cover technology news and the ways that technology makes life easier. She also blogs at FreshlyTechy.com. Check her out on Twitter @TechyJessy.