3 Top Internet Marketing Jobs To Watch In 2017

3 Top Internet Marketing Jobs To Watch In 2017

Companies are always trying to find new ways to connect with clients online, but they’re often completely outdated in their approach. With new technologies always evolving and new methods of communicating with clients appearing every day, it’s very easy for companies to fall by the wayside and fail to capitalize on new opportunities. For this reason, companies are searching for internet marketing professionals to give them an edge on the market.


Many new professions have appeared in the process with subsequent demand. However, there is still a shortage of students in these sectors which offers the chance to those who enter early to get a leg up on the competition. Here are three of the most sought after positions in the internet marketing world right now:

SEO Specialist

An SEO specialist’s sole purpose is to make sure that websites have the most favorable positions on search engines. They allow business owners to benefit from the tremendous traffic search engines generate every day. An SEO specialist will also make sure that the site is designed to appear in the highest position possible in search engine results. Many website owners make critical mistakes that can hurt their search results or even erase their websites from search engine indexes completely. Most SEO specialisst ensure that business owners don’t make these fatal mistakes and will advise on the proper course of action to take.

Search Engine Marketing

SEM is a completely different field from SEO marketing. While SEO experts will usually focus solely on search engine results, SEM experts are there to allow clients to maximize the usage of online advertising methods. Whether it’s search marketing, media buys, or video marketing, they make sure that clients take advantage of every online marketing tool available to them. Most SEM experts will need an online marketing degree from a reputable institution such as Arizona State University to get their foot in the door. A bachelor of science in marketing will help students grasp basic marketing principles and apply them to the online world.

Social Media Manager

Social media manager is a new position that has made its apparition thanks to the advent of many social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Not only do social media managers help clients connect with their users, they also have to deal with the basic tasks such as controlling the company’s online image and also dealing with customer service and fidelity programs. This position is better suited for people who have a knack for customer service, already have a good knowledge of social media platforms, and don’t have issues spending most of their workday online.

All of these positions are wide open and the demand is ever increasing. Plenty of online and offline formations are available to those who want to start a career in internet marketing, or want to add to their previous formation to gain the knowledge it takes to be able to implement new internet marketing methods. If this is you, we strongly suggest you browse through the various online and offline degrees available to see if a career in internet marketing is truly for you.