How To Benefit From Real Estate Investor Mastermind Joseph Pingaro

How To Benefit From Real Estate Investor Mastermind Joseph Pingaro

Let’s say you’re finding success in real estate investment and feeling confident. You are learning how to turn a profit, and pride yourself in your independence. The work you have done is definitely something to be proud of, but in order to take your achievements to the next level, you need the mentorship and collaboration of other experts and masterminds in the field.

Joseph Pingaro, an expert real estate professional, can give you the advice you need to find a mastermind group that will boost your knowledge and prowess. Take the next steps to build your real estate investing legacy.

Surround Yourself with Success

Finding other people who are successful investors to associate with is one of the biggest benefits of joining a mastermind group. When you immerse yourself in the culture of success you have access to in a group focused on improvement and growth, you open the door to exponential growth. Meetings can encourage and inspire you to keep moving up the ladder.


One of the key elements of growth is education. When you find a group of fellow real estate investors who either are or are becoming real estate masterminds, you find resources from every angle. Having access to people with an array of experience and talent can carve new paths on your journey to success, and give you new insights that you never imagined.

Mastermind groups typically meet anywhere from every quarter to once a month, and meetings are always packed with new information about the industry. The knowledge you gain from a mastermind group can help you keep up with the fast-paced changes and developments that come with an exciting real estate investment career.


When you have any kind of business, you need connections to be successful. Ideally, the people in your mastermind group will come from different backgrounds, have different areas of expertise, and different business models. They should also come from different sectors of the real estate investment industry.

An ideal real estate investors mastermind group would include not only investors, but agents, appraisers, attorneys, bankers, builders, and materials experts. Really, anyone who is part of the process (whether it be the purchase or the construction of homes) is a good addition to the group.

These are people who can help you by answering questions or giving problem-solving advice. If you need something you do not personally have direct access to, you can usually find someone who will make the necessary introductions to help you succeed.

Give Yourself a Solid Foundation for Achievement

Being part of a real estate investors mastermind group is like being part of a family. You will be part of a conglomerate of people who will support you through the challenges of building your business and congratulate your accomplishments. When you pull together a team of people from all different experience levels, you will be able to rely on knowledge that withstands the test of time as well as new innovative ideas.

Access to People You Can Confide In

The goal of curating a perfect mastermind group is to not only gather people from different backgrounds, skill-levels, industry sectors, business models, and experience levels. It is also important to ensure that the people you gather in your real estate investors’ mastermind group are not competitive with each other.

If anyone in your group is in direct competition with other members, then this breaks down the element of trust and support essential to your group. You all will see the most growth and success if you trust each other and are free to share tips, contacts, and knowledge with each other.

It is also important to be able to share your weaknesses and vulnerabilities freely so that you can work through them. If you’re in competition with anyone in your group, it may not be wise to share these elements you are working on. In order to grow your real estate investing business, it is important to be able to openly examine and address any barriers to development.

Create Your Own Real Estate Investment Mastermind Group

If you are having trouble finding the real estate investment mastermind group that is a perfect fit for you, create your own. It is as simple as identifying people in your industry who would be helpful to know.

You are ideally looking for people who have diverse areas of knowledge pertinent to real estate investment. Investors, realtors, title agents, appraisers, attorneys, builders, bankers, investment coaches, and materials experts are all excellent additions to your group.

Then, contact them to organize your own mastermind group. You will need to develop a meeting schedule and structure, but there are plenty of resources online to help you with that. The benefits of having a group of like-minded people to network and share knowledge are countless, and you will increase the opportunity to grow your business in ways you never imagined.