5 Things You Need to Do to Protect Your Business
Any successful business will have a solid foundation, and security will be the base layer. Nowadays, a lot of our business records and other important and confidential information will be stored online. This is great for organization, practicality, and efficiency, but it does put your data at risk. As well as this, you will have a physical store, employees, and customers that need to be treated and protected correctly. There are many aspects of business protection, and they are all equally important. Here are five things you need to do to protect your business.

Secure the Store
Your physical store could be at risk of theft and break-ins, so investing in security solutions can put your mind at rest. An alarm system is the first step. These vary and will suit individual businesses better than others, so you should do your research. Most reputable alarm companies will come to your store and will carry out an assessment before making a recommendation. It’s also wise to invest in some good quality security cameras to help monitor theft when the store is open and after hours.
Educate and Train
Keeping yourself and your employees up to date with the best practices when it comes to payment and security is essential for business protection. You should continuously keep yourself educated about payment technology, including new methods and changes. Training your employees correctly will help lessen the number of payment mistakes, which will reduce risks and losses to your business. Keeping an eye on suspicious customers in your store should be done subtly and professionally.
Purchase Business Insurance
Purchasing the right level of business insurance for your company is highly recommended. For your business insurance cover, you should consider using The Hartford. They provide insurance for your business that can cover property damage, employee-related risks, and legal liability. If your employee suffers an injury or illness in the workplace, then business insurance can replace lost wages. A quote is only a few clicks away, and they can provide excellent business coverage in minutes.
Passwords and Verification
Changing your passwords and codes frequently will protect your store physically and online and will ensure your passwords are rock solid. The passwords you use should be strong. Enabling two-factor authentication is highly recommended. This is a security process that requires two methods of verification to log into the account. Many apps and web services send out a text message that contains a code, which is required to log in.
Different Permission Levels
All of your employees should not be able to access the same information in your store and systems. You should only allow your most trusted employees admission to any business information that is classed as sensitive or confidential. To set permission levels for each of your employees, you should consider using a business tool such as Square Team Management. This will give you control over what your employees can and can’t access, plus more.
For your business to succeed, things must be kept secure. Following the above will improve the security of your business and information, which will allow you to rest easy knowing everything is safe and protected.