4 Reasons Why You Need to
Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

The first thing that you think after an injury is seeking medical care. Once that’s underway, it’s time to think about what you are going to do in terms of managing the expense that’s sure to come your way during the recovery. As those thoughts begin to occur to you, it’s time to find a car accident and personal injury lawyer who can take on the case and see the compensation that you deserve. If you need more reasons to hire a lawyer, consider these four.

Don’t Depend on the Responsible Party to Do the Right Thing

In a perfect world, the party responsible for the injury would waste no time offering a reasonable settlement. The more likely scenario is that you may receive an offer in an attempt to avoid a lawsuit. It’s likely to be much less than you’ll eventually need.

A lawyer will be able to tell the difference between an equitable settlement and one that would leave you with quite a bit of financial hardship. By placing the matter in the hands of your legal counsel, it’s easier for you to stop worrying about money and focus more on trying to recover from the event.

Fielding Questions When You Should Be Healing

One of the more annoying things about personal injury cases is that the insurance provider for the other party is likely to make frequent attempts to talk with you. Those attempts are often made with the intention of trying to find reasons why you’re partly responsible for what took place. Their queries will be carefully worded and intended to trick you into saying something that could be interpreted in more than one way.

If you have your own lawyer, there is no need for you to engage directly with the insurance provider or the party who caused the injury. Instead, all attempts to reach you can be referred to your legal counsel. You can bet that the methods attempted with you are unlikely to make any headway with your lawyer.

Getting the Money You Need to Pay Medical Bills

Quite a bit can change while you’re recovering from the injury. You may not be able to work, something that will reduce your income by a significant margin. Even if you have savings, they will only last for so long. The day will come when taking care of normal expenses plus the added cost of medical care will leave you in dire financial straits.

Your lawyer will seek a settlement that prevents this type of hardship from taking place. By obtaining information from your doctors, it’s possible to get an idea of what expenses you’ve already incurred plus what costs are likely to come your way in the immediate future. The lawyer will also take into account lost wages and how that has impacted your financial state. All of that will be included in the settlement that the lawyer seeks.

And Funds for Future Medical Needs

What happens if the injury leaves you with a permanent condition? It may no longer be possible to work in your chosen field. You may not be able to hold down most types of jobs. That means the rest of your life, including the ability to earn a living, will be impacted by the actions of the responsible party. You can bet your lawyer will seek a settlement that includes funds for the care you will need as the years pass.

If you’ve been injured, don’t attempt to deal with the situation on your own. Contact a personal injury and disability lawyer and schedule a consultation. You can bet that the lawyer will do everything legally possible to secure the type of settlement that you deserve.