What Is an Audience Profile,
and How Does It Impact Advertising

The vast majority of businesses rely on customer data to reach new audiences, using traditional and generic marketing in the hope of creating some meaningful connections. This strategy no longer yields results, so marketers have to think of new ways to reach audiences and engage them.

customer data target marketingAn audience profile is very important when it comes to advertising and is something that should never be skipped. Remember the famous saying ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail’. This article is going to explain what an audience profile is and will detail how it impacts different types of advertising. If you’re interested in finding out more, keep reading.

What Is An Audience Profile?

Here is a definition of an audience profile – “A profile that has a list of all the important characteristics of the targeted audience who show some potential to the companies.”

In basic terms, an audience profile is essentially a profile that represents all the important aspects of the ‘ideal’ buyer. There is a lot of information that goes into an audience profile. Things like age, gender and income are the most basic facts that are recorded.

How Does An Audience Profile Work?

First, businesses group their customers based on behaviors, needs, ages, genders etc.

Second, businesses will connect with their customers and make a note of how they react to the messages to help to understand the buying behaviors of the customers.

Next, the companies will work to understand exactly where and what they should advertise to have the biggest impact.

Lastly, the companies engage with their customers and trial different strategies to see which are most effective.

How Do Audience Profiles Impact Different Types Of Advertising? 

Audience profiling allows for personalized ads – Building a buyer persona will allow businesses to understand their target audience as real people with unique behaviors. By having profiles tailored to individual interests and behaviors, businesses will be able to deliver personalized campaigns that fit their specific needs.

An audience profile can affect the placement of ads – Once you’ve created an audience profile and found out where your audience mainly spends their time, you’ll be able to work out exactly how to reach your target audience in the best way. It might be that advanced tv targeting works best for your audience, but it could equally be social media advertising that captures their interest to a greater extent.

An audience profile can influence the design of your ad – Businesses will design their ads around the interests and preferences of their target audience. This is something that can only be done once audience profiles have been created, of course.

Audience profiling to increase conversion – As customers’ needs are becoming harder to interpret, audience profiling becomes even more important. Once you’ve got your audience’s attention, you can work on influencing their purchasing decisions by providing them with free content in exchange for contact information. Placing the actual persona of your target audience at the canter of your strategy means that you can create content that customers will trust… all of which can lead to increased interactions and, ultimately, sales.