TWTRCON Snail Mail

As many of you know, we are working hard to get the word out about TWTRCON SF 09 on Twitter itself.  We also have a Facebook event page and a LinkedIn page (though we haven’t done a great job of taking care of either of those groups to date – we’ll work on that).  And we have lots of great marketing partners who are helping us get the word out. So far so good. But we do believe in integrated marketing, so some of you received a postcard from us last week.  Some of you tweeted about how ironic it was to get a postcard about a Twitter event; we also caught some flak for sending out a press release via email a couple of weeks ago.

Since we couldn’t afford to send the postcards out to a very large group, we thought it would be fun to share a copy of it on our site, for those of you who wanted to see what it looked like.  (Maybe your picture is on it?)

Let us know if you have any input for our integrated marketing campaign!  4 weeks to go …

TWTRCON SF 09 Postcard Front

TWTRCON SF 09 Postcard Back