Announcing the TWTRPitch: Your Chance to Pitch at TWTRCON

Got something to say or sell? Can you sum it up in 140 characters? Then you may get a chance to pitch live, onstage, at TWTRCON SF 09.

Participate in the TWTRPitch Open Mic competition and you may win one of 6 opportunities to deliver a 140-second version of your story onstage at TWTRCON, followed by time for the audience to ask questions.  Whether you’re a developer, agency or simply have a great idea, this is a chance for you to show your chops in front of serious prospects, investors, social media industry leaders and reporters.

Make your entry as good as you can:  we will publish them online as they come in.  At the event, TWTRCON attendees will get a chance to vote on who they want to see onstage.

Here’s how it works:

  1. It’s open to anyone who is registered to attend TWTRCON.
  2. To enter, just fill out this simple form.
  3. We’ll publish entries as they come in on a special page on this site.
  4. The TWTRCON audience will get to pick the winners by voting on site the day of the event:   we’ll have ballots for them to review the entries, and a table where we’ll keep score.
  5. The TWTRPitch sessions will be hosted by David Berlind from InformationWeek, and the InformationWeek Business Technology team will help manage the voting process.
  6. Winners will be invited on stage in groups of three during TWTRPitch sessions.
  7. Each winner will get 140 seconds to pitch live, followed by 10 minutes of audience Q & A.

Questions? Let us know.

Also want a chance to demo? Ask about our sponsorship opportunities or participating in the TWTR Alley sponsor area.  We even have a new Total Bootstrap Edition sponsorship level. For details, email Carolyn Carson.