Let TWTRCON publish your Twitter case studies

Since announcing TWTRCON DC, we’ve been overwhelmed and totally impressed by the people and organizations – brands, non-profits, associations and government agencies – who have reached out to us to share how they are using Twitter in their business.  Many of them have signed on to be speakers for the October 22 event.  We simply cannot fit all of these innovators into a one-day agenda, but we’d still love to share their stories — and yours — with the TWTRCON community.

If you’d like to share your case study about how you use Twitter as a business tool, please email it to tonia at modernmediapartners.com with the words “TWTRCON Case Study” in the subject line.  We’ll review it, we may edit it slightly, and we’ll publish them on our blog.  Try and include the following information:

  • Objective – what is the business objective for your Twitter campaign?
  • Description – a brief description of how you use Twitter to achieve your objective
  • Lessons learned – what snags did you hit and how did you overcome them?  What are the key things that have really made Twitter work for you as a tool?
  • Results/Metrics – can you share any specific ROI or bottom-line stats?

Don’t make it too long — keep it to about 250 – 500 words.

Let us know if we can answer any questions!  And stay tuned for more updates on how we’ll be including user-generated content at the event itself!