68% of Canadians are Online, More Than 50% Use Facebook

A study from comScore indicates that Canada has a greater percentage of online users than any other country in the world.  68% of the Canadian population is online, while France and the U.K. are at 62%, Germany at 60%, and the U.S. at 59%.  According to Social Times, Canada also ‘dominates’ social networking service Facebook, with 50% of Canadians using the service. This is also an opportunity for small businesses that started their activities and need to attract clients. The number of Canadian Twitter accounts increased by 75% in 2010.

15.1 million Canadians, or 59% of the population, will be visiting social networking sites at least once per month by the end of 2010, a number expected to rise to 68% by 2014, as estimated by eMarketer.

Other notable Canadian online stats:

  • With ~21 million visits/month, Canadians watch more YouTube videos than anywhere else in the world
  • Canadian viewers watch more videos than U.S. viewers: 147 per viewer as compared to 100 per viewer in U.S.
  • 18-24 year old Canadians watch 244 online videos per month
  • Canada is the 8th most productive country in editing Wikipedia entries