Take Me Out To The Ballgame….and Tweet for Beer!

SafeCo field, home of the Seattle Mariners, has become the trial ground for a new breed of beer vendor:  instead of walking the stadium aisles looking for customers, Kevin Zelko will now be delivering beer as fast as possible to customers who placed their orders via Twitter.  While food trucks and vendors that tweet out their location to a growing customer base have recently become popular, Zelko is instead bringing his product to the customer – all they have to do is tweet.

Starting with today’s opening game, just send a message to @Msbeervendor with your seat and your order, and Zelko will be there asap.

CNBC reports that Zelko decided to try Twitter orders for several reasons:

  • his routes will be more direct – the ordering system will ‘take some of the guesswork out’ of his game
  • an ordered beer likely mean a better tip
  • fans with smartphones (using Twitter) are more likely wealthy, with money to spend

In just five days following the CNBC article, Zelko’s following has risen dramatically from 224 up to 591 followers (as of today), giving him a headstart on his goal to “Grow a following, let fans into his life as a beer vendor and communicate with fans even when he isn’t selling beer to them.”

Looks like fans are excited about his idea – check out this tweet from @lilkaraokediva:

#FF @Msbeervendor for his cool and innovative way of bringin you your brewskis in the lower level of Safeco! Happy Opening Day Kevin!

Will the stadium hot dog vendors take to Twitter next?