President Barack Obama held his first Twitter Town Hall yesterday, under #AskObama. Moderated by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and live-streamed by several major news networks, the hashtag saw 169,395 tweets yesterday, as reported by MediaBistro.
The breakdown of tweets by topic:
- Jobs – 18,957
- Budget – 15,000
- Taxes – 14,777
- Education – 8,833
- Marijuana legalization – According to TwitSprout, the most retweeted question was “Would you consider legalizing marijuana to increase revenue and save tax dollars by freeing up crowded prisons, court rooms.”
The @BarackObama Twitter account – Obama’s campaign account – has 9,024,045 followers. During the Twitter Town Hall, Obama live-tweeted from the @WhiteHouse account, which has 2,258,976 followers.
According to Mashable, the majority of tweets came from major cities like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, with Washington D.C. producing the most of any city – 14% of all #AskObama tweets.
See analysis from TwitSprout and Simply Measured for more data.