Stuck in the Elevator? Don’t Panic

Stuck in the Elevator? Don’t Panic

Did you know that elevators have been coined safer than stairs? With an average of 27 deaths per year, elevators prove to be one of the safest modes of transportation. However, what should you do in the event that an accident does occur?

Don’t worry with this guide; you can learn the best ways to get out of a stuck elevator. From how to remain claim to what not to do, getting stuck in the elevator can be a traumatic experience.

Remain Calm

It can be tricky not to panic, especially if you’re claustrophobic. However, getting nervous will only make the situation seem worse than it is. Instead, try to remain calm.

You can try breathing techniques to help soothe yourself or try to focus on something else entirely. Try pulling out your phone, if you have reception, play a game, make a grocery list, or look on social media. Distracting your mind will help soothe your fear.

Press the Call Button

When you realize the elevator is stuck, always press the call button. It will connect you to the building security or the elevator company. Make sure to provide them with your name, address of the building, and inform them of the problem you’re experiencing.

Also, try not to worry experienced professionals are best equipped to handle these situations. Elevator companies know the right methods to get you out quickly and safely. To learn more about their procedures, contact an elevator specialist.

Don’t Try to Pry Open Doors

It’s tempting to try and fix the problem yourself; however, by doing so, you run the risk of creating a more dangerous problem. By prying the doors open, it can set off a mechanism that allows the elevator to operate.

Normally that would be good news, although if the elevator malfunctions, it could cause fatalities. It’s best to wait until the elevator company arrives before you do anything.

Don’t Try to Escape Through the Emergency Hatch

You’ve probably seen this trick in movies where a protagonist jumps and swings through the ceiling hatch only to magically escape in a matter of minutes. However, you shouldn’t try this maneuver. You’re more likely to break a hip than to escape.

In fact, most modern elevators don’t have an emergency ceiling hatch. If they do, they’re usually secured from the outside, meaning that it would be a pointless effort.

Although, if you somehow manage to get out, you’re only putting yourself in more danger. Ask yourself: if the elevator starts operating, what are you going to do? The consequences of escape are great; you can be injured or even be killed.

Instead of enacting an escape plan, it’s best to stay where you are and wait for help to arrive. That way, you can ensure your safety.

What Should You Do If You’re Stuck in the Elevator?

So, summing it all up, when stuck in the elevator, it’s best to remain calm.  Press the call button immediately. Remember to inform them of your name, address, and the type of situation you’re experiencing. While waiting, don’t try to pry the doors open or escape through the ceiling hatch. If you do, you are only putting yourself in more danger. Instead, wait where you are, and help will arrive shortly.