Gatwick Airport To Publish New Children’s Stories Via SoundCloud

Gatwick Airport recently became the first European airport to use the social network Soundcloud by releasing a series of audio books for kids and parents.  This week, the airport announced plans to feature the best new children’s stories on its channel,  giving budding children’s authors the chance to reach a potential audience of tens of thousands of people.

According to Gatwick spokesperson Zoë  Baker, the new initiative is designed to “embrace social communities and enhance a passenger’s journey as they pass through the airport.”  This campaign is timed to focus around families traveling during this summer’s school holidays.

The Gatwick Soundcloud channel currently features tracks for 10 classic fairy tales.  A new, previously unpublished story will now be recorded each week throughout the summer until the end of the school holidays.

Authors interested in participating can send their story to — the Gatwick communications team will be selecting stories to feature weekly,  based on criteria that have been set to  ensure it will be appealing to families travelling through Gatwick in the summer holidays. In addition to being featured on Gatwick’s Soundcloud channel, the stories and authors will be promoted via a social media and PR campaign.  Authors will maintain full copyright; more information on submitting a story is available via Gatwick’s Tumblr.

Gatwick’s summer campaign using Soundcloud is another example of a social media first for the airport. Gatwick was the first airport with an Instagram account,  the first European airport to offer out of hours Twitter support, the first to integrate a third-party review system into its online restaurant and shopping listings, and is noted for its extensive use of QR codes.

The SoundClout campaign will be measured by monitoring the number of followers and listens on the Gatwick Soundcloud profile, as well as the number of authors submitting their stories for consideration.